For information on our Sponsorship Deck

For more information, see our deck below:

2024 Partnership Opportunities

Haley Hinson, Operations & Marketing Coordinator

Maximize Your Brand Presence: Engage with a Diverse Audience of Design Professionals and Students through DSA

Advertising with the Design Society of America (DSA) allows you to showcase your brand and target a specific audience of professionals likely interested in your interior design products or services. Showcasing your offerings to a relevant and engaged audience, potentially leading to new clients, partnerships and brand recognition within the interior design community.

Renowned for its inclusive approach, DSA embraces designers from various backgrounds, offering exceptional educational programs and fostering an environment where designers can break barriers and make significant strides in the industry. 

DSA's influence extends beyond its community as it actively supports interior design affordable education, recognizing the importance of diverse educational paths for success.

DSA is the leading provider of Residential Interior Design Education offered through colleges nationally.

Why partner with DSA?

With DSA's extensive network, brands can forge direct connections with designers, fostering genuine interactions and meaningful engagements.

DSA offers customized engagement packages that showcase a brand's offerings in line with designers' aesthetic and professional principles, facilitating seamless connections between products or services and our design community.

Advertisers can leverage DSA's diverse membership base, which encompasses seasoned interior design professionals, students enrolled in interior design courses, and those seeking to increase their credentials through our RIDQC certification exam, to expand their brand's reach and impact, unlocking unparalleled opportunities for audience engagement.

Pricing and Placement Opportunities


The following rates reflect a unique pricing structure per placement.

DSA prides itself on sharing the best advertisers with our audience—we are incredibly flexible and open to exploring tailored options that would work best for our partners.

$1,200 per campaignSocial Media CampaignFollow Meta's typical spec dimensions for predetermined placements and provide compelling copy—coordinate with DSA for scheduling.

$1,500 all-member audience

$1,000 student-member audience

Newsletter Announcement Placement

Perfect to showcase upcoming events, product launches or announcements and sent directly to our members' inboxesinclude banner image, logo, relevant links and a brief description.

Image cannot exceed 5 MBs. Text can be up to 520 characters.

$2,200 per featureNewsletter Feature

Provide compelling copy contentor collaborate with the DSA team to craft a tailored blurb. Include title and title image, provide up to 3 other images to be featured.

Images cannot exceed 5 MBs.

$3,800 annuallyNewsletter Ad Placement

A completed web-enabled listing includes your full-color company banner, links to your website, and placement on the newsletter landing page for 12 months.

Image ads for Newsletter placement should be 320px wide. Height is variable but should not exceed 380px high. The text should be included in the image.

Add$1,500 for the larger banner (which must have approval), image ads for newsletter placement should be 320px wide.  Heigh is variable but should not exceed 648px high. The text should be included in the image.

$1,495 annuallyIndustry Partner Listing

A completed web-enabled listing includes your company name, a corporate description, a link to your website, and a logo.

Images should be 450px wide and 244px high. Text can be up to 520 characters.

$1,800 per articleSponsored Article

Provide a clear logo and brief copy to be prominently featured as the sponsor for said article.

PNG preferred logos, but not required. Text can be up to 520 characters and include relevant links.

$4,200 per videoSponsored Video

Provide a clear logo to be featured in the video and brief. copy to be read before, during or after the video. Or provide your video message.

Max 2-minute limit on video or readand include relevant links. PNG preferred logo, but not required.

$3,800 per podcastSponsored Podcast

Please provide a clear logo to be featured in the audio description and brief copy to be read before during or after. Or provide your own audio sponsorship message.

Max 2-minute limit on audio or read and include relevant links. PNG preferred logo, but not required.

$2,500 per articleFeatured Spotlight ArticleSchedule a proper interview with the DSA team.  Provide at least 2 images to be featured in the article, PNG logo, and relevant links.

$3,000 per event

$6,000 content posted annually

Digital Spotlight Forum

Serve as the primary presenter in the 30-minute forum. Provide presentation materials i.e. slides, video or other visuals.

Provide PNG logo with a description of the event and speaker.